Coffee & Conversation with Chad Michael Collins


My friend Dorota and I, began on monthly basis doing "Coffee & Conversation" chats with special guests. During the month of April we had the pleasure of chatting with Chad Michael Collins about Law of Attraction. Dungeons & Dragons, his favourite books to read and his acting career. It was great fun! 

We shared this video during the month of May within our Warrior Within Facebook group. Members within the group sent questions beforehand, we incorporated them into our conversation! We have no doubts that you will love the responses he gave. Make sure you have your notepad ready for writing down his book recommendations!

You are welcome to join our Warrior Within community: which is a place for feeling encouraged, motivated and inspired. 

If you're not doing so already, you can follow Chad Michael Collins on his social profiles.

Instagram: collinschadm

Twitter: CollinsChadM

TikTok: chadmichaelcollins

Twitch: chadmichaelcollins

Facebook: ChadMichaelCollins

Thank you so much Chad for taking the time to chat with us and answer questions! 

We had such a great time! 💜🧝🤓🎥

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